Create Connections

Quiz + Survery Module

Create Connections

Quiz + Survery Module

Customer + Employee Feedback Management Software

Manage your questionnaires or surveys from our Business Dashboard, add, delete, pause, or extend the dates they are available. Questionnaires and surveys can be a great way to gain insights on your business, product, customer needs & wants, employee satisfaction and more.

Manage Questions and Customize Content

Create your questions and choose the possible outcome of answers. Use answer fields like select an option, choose a product, choose a rating, yes or no, or provide feedback to a specific answer.

Use Surveys and Quizzes to Reward your customer and your Employee

Assign points values customers or employees can earn for each successful completion of a survey or questionnaire in order to deepen your loyalty and rewards effectiveness and gamify the experience. You can also use the same software to send out Customer Satisfaction Surveys or Employee Wellness Surveys to create a deeper understanding of your client’s needs and how your brand and employee’s needs.